Pearl Sijmons

Pearl Sijmons

Pearl Sijmons creates textile landscapes filled with emotion and fleeting beauty, using scraps of fabric and discarded clothing. She calls herself a contemporary impressionist, painting with textiles to capture the essence of the real world.

In a time when textiles seem to be losing their value and are carelessly discarded, Pearl sees old fabrics as a source of inspiration and renewal. For her, these fabrics are not the end, but a new beginning. Each piece of textile, from various origins, is deconstructed and transformed by her into unique patterns and shapes. Together, these parts of textile weave into a larger whole, like pieces of a patchwork.

Pearl aims to restore the value of textiles with her work and to draw our attention to the beauty of the world that we must cherish and preserve. How beautiful can art be without drawing from new resources? She believes that we humans take (too) much from nature and that we must give something back. Nature is changing, often to our detriment. But if we take better care of the earth, she will take better care of us. Her art is an ode to sustainability, a loving call for attention to our planet.


Nanda Sanders

