Michelle Schmit

Michelle Schmit

General for all my work Painting with wool and then ensuring that the materials stay together. I do this by stitching, so the material does not felt and remains painterly. By combining different materials such as alpaca wool, sheep wool, flax, silk, and bamboo fibers, or various yarns, I build a new material; a hand-composed and assembled textile work inspired by the various forms in nature on a micro and macro level.

Our planet, in its various forms, is the source of my inspiration. Seasons, light, colors, tones, textures, surfaces, structures, and the wonder of these elements continually provide me with new compositions in color, form, and material.

For me, it (re)works to transform what happens around me, sometimes destructively, into creating material, work, art.

Dark work Intrigued by the changing light, the fall of the evening, and night continue to make an overwhelming impression on me. It remains fascinating what it does to surfaces and spaces in terms of color. Then comes the challenge to passionately translate these impressions into material in a new work.

Colour Creatures This is the start of all my work. I create color and material compositions. These become samples, and some develop into a large piece. It is different with these ‘Colour Creatures’. The start is the same; material and color come together, and unlike my other work, where I use a lot of thread to secure the material, I try to keep these creations together with as little thread as possible. How much support does it need? Or actually, how little does it take to become a ‘creature’? Robust material, yet quirky, fragile, and sometimes funny ‘Colour Creatures’.


Marleen Dalhuijsen


Monique Goossens