Puck van Doorn

Puck van Doorn

From origin an international corporate animal, I switched careers in 2016 to become a contemporary visual artist. In 2019 I finished my art education at MK Xtra Academy in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

How women present themselves and are presented by others is what I dedicate my art to. In this, I honor foremothers who have passed along strength and independence. I turn my critical eye on existing images and materials and process these into strong, visual messages. Since the birth of my son in May 2020, I am also looking into the effect of my new role as a mother on my other long-existing roles as an artist, businesswoman, lover, and friend.

I strongly believe that true equality at the highest levels of business will trickle down to better services and products, higher returns, healthier company cultures, and happier societies. It has been my mantra for years, and what fuels my ambition every single day.




Rachel Ericson