Rachel Ericson

Rachel Ericson

Rachel Ericson is an Amsterdam-based New Yorker who is originally from Detroit. Surrounded by other expats, she’s a "non-native anywhere” graphic designer who is fascinated by how we humans associate positive feelings with brands, products and (packaged) foods, particularly ones from our past home or childhood. That’s where the idea for her current work “identity” came from. Asking everyone she meets about the things they miss from the past, she’s been collecting a long list of items that she paints in miniature, hoping they spark a little joy for someone in what can sometimes feel like a disconnected existence. Her paintings are +/- 4cm (easier to see with a magnifying glass) and are meant to be a tiny, intimate treat that doesn’t add calories or take up much space and hopefully makes you feel connected.


Puck van Doorn


Ramon Otting